Microsoft | Our Vendor Partners | CyberLab

Our Vendor Partner


Keep sensitive data safe with robust security features such as data loss prevention, encryption, access controls, and threat protection. 

As a part of the Microsoft Technology Adoption Program, our specialists work with Microsoft on new features and are among the first to test new releases. 

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Make the Most of Microsoft with CyberLab

Our Microsoft 365 security services are designed to help you make the most out of your Microsoft investment and focus on enhanced features delivery.

Ensure Compliance icon

Implement Best Practice

We will assess your current M365 configuration and help you to implement Microsoft's security best practices to help you achieve your business goals.

Secure Vulnerable Areas icon

Stay Secure

We'll document your business risk profile through a GAP analysis and Microsoft Secure Score review and action any non-disruptive quick-wins to keep you secure.

Takes action icon

Protect from Threats

We will implement an advanced threat protection configuration to reduce exposure to phishing campaigns and create conditional access policies based on user roles.

NHS Success Story

Case Study

NHS Trust

When this Head of IT at an NHS trust needed an independent security assessment to test the integrity of their Microsoft 365 infrastructure, they knew from experience that CyberLab was the right firm for the job.

“Having used CyberLab before in a previous Head of IT role, I had no hesitation in engaging them again to assist us with our security needs. Simply, I wouldn’t use them if they didn’t consistently deliver value.”

– Head of IT, NHS Trust

Case Study

MDL Marinas

MDL Marinas were going through a digital transformation and had already migrated their legacy IT systems to next-generation solutions.

The Cloud Security Assessment and Delivery for Microsoft 365, part of our Cloud Consult portfolio, was a perfect fit for MDL Marinas.

“They gave me the confidence that they would do a thorough job and that the outcome of that would be as good as it could be. Everything that we’ve worked with CyberLab on – I’ve been very satisfied,”


– Keith, Head of IT, MDL Marinas

MDL Marinas Success Story

Detect. Protect. Support.

Posture Assessment

Understand your security risks and how to fix them.

Take the first step to improving your cyber security posture, looking at ten key areas you and your organisation should focus on, backed by NCSC guidance.

Claim your free 30-minute guided posture assessment with a CyberLab expert.

Speak With an Expert

Enter your details and one of our specialists will be in touch.

Whether you’re looking to implement basic cyber security best practice, improve your existing defences, or introduce a new system or solution, our team of expert consultants, engineers, and ethical hackers are here to help.

Our team specialise in creating bespoke security solutions and testing packages to improve and maintain your security posture.

We are 100% vendor agnostic and will only ever recommend the best products and solutions for your requirements.

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