NHS | CyberLab Success Stories



This NHS Trust is now able to use Microsoft 365 to its full potential, safely and securely across the organisation.

NHS Success Story

The Client

When this Head of IT at an NHS trust needed an independent security assessment to test the integrity of their Microsoft 365 infrastructure, they knew from experience that CyberLab was the right firm for the job. 

The Challenge

As the organisation prepared to undertake Cyber Essentials Plus, their key requirement for a Security Provider the ability to take a tailored approach built around this organisation’s specific needs, that would respond quickly and reliably as required, and could get the job done with a minimum of fuss. 

Importantly, by using a security provider they could trust to conduct the Security Assessment, the Head of IT knew he could have confidence in their subsequent decision making. They summarise the trust in the service with the words: “Simply, I wouldn’t use CyberLab if they didn’t consistently deliver value.” 

The Solution

Part of the planned, ongoing security programme was to undertake the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, which in turn required the NHS Trust to have a proactive approach to cyber security.

Having implemented Microsoft 365 across the network some years earlier, the organisation had since moved to a new managed service provider. As a result, the Head of IT now needed a professional, independent Security Assessment of the organisation’s current Microsoft 365 environment.

“Having used CyberLab before in a previous Head of IT role, I had no hesitation in engaging them again to assist us with our security needs. Simply, I wouldn’t use them if they didn’t consistently deliver value.” 

Head of IT, NHS Trust 

The Outcome

CyberLab worked with the NHS organisation first to define the scope of the Security Assessment and then to tailor a standard service offering so that it met their specific requirement. 

Throughout the engagement, CyberLab were responsive, acted quickly, were consistently flexible and delivered real, tangible value. For the NHS Trust, the results of the Security Assessment meant that Microsoft 365 could be opened and used to its full potential across the organisation safely and securely, for the benefit of both staff and patients. 

All Heads of IT need the confidence of knowing exactly what the status of their security posture is. Being informed in this way helps them to confirm that completed security projects have delivered value, provides the assurance that planned security projects are still relevant and appropriate, and allows them to identify areas that need to be addressed and improved. 

By working with CyberLab, this NHS Trust benefited across all three areas, meaning subsequent decisions could be taken from a position of confidence. 

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Whether you’re looking to implement basic cyber security best practice, improve your existing defences, or introduce a new system or solution, our team of expert consultants, engineers, and ethical hackers are here to help.

Our team specialise in creating bespoke security solutions and testing packages to improve and maintain your security posture.

We are 100% vendor agnostic and will only ever recommend the best products and solutions for your requirements.

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